
I see, learn and rediscover… everyday!

The meeting starts at 8 ….

“Punctuality is the art of guessing how late the other fellow is going to be “ I have admired this quote many a times . πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ . Infact it is one of my fav . Today i got a message saying “Hey..Dulta meeting today.. At 8pm .. Sun Lab ..Every1 must come.. So be there.. ! Being confused about …

Two stories :)

This is my blog and i have all rights to crap here . This blog may appear as total crap for few, may mean more to few . I really don’t care what you are gonna think about me after you read this . Read the following two stories Story 1 Once upon a time , there was a crow …

My Seniors :) :)

Again i was jobless πŸ˜› googling something arbit , when i saw the “I am Feeling Lucky” button in google. It is one of the features in google which i have never used. I always prefer seeing the list of search results and click atleast 10 of them πŸ˜› But it made me think for a moment . Am i …

Shutdownday :O

This is what www.shutdownday.org says — It is obvious that people would find life extremely difficult without computers, maybe even impossible. If they disappeared for just one day, would we be able to cope? Be a part of one of the biggest global experiments ever to take place on the internet. The idea behind the experiment is to find out …

I hate CT’s :(

In examinations, the foolish ask questions the wise cannot answer —Oscar Wilde Wow , this suits my college cycle tests also . The one and only thing which i hate in my college is CT’s πŸ™ :(. Those 3 days , I try to read something and end up sleeping the whole day. I think that i wont go to …

The end of internet

Was checking out the settings of google reader and found this quite interesting . The next bookmark is an innovative way to read your subscriptions. It allows you to use Google Reader through just one link – clicking on it takes you to the next unread item, marking it as read in the process. It is particularly useful for subscriptions …

Forgot mysql root pass ?

Recently forgot mysql root password for one of the servers i maintain . Little bit googling helped me to reset the password . Just copy pasted the tutorials i saw so that i need not google again . If you have set a root password, but forgot what it was, you can set a new password with the following procedure: …

Quiz is finally over :) :)

If at all if someone gives me the right to scrap three events from pragyan i will surely opt for junkyard wars, technical quiz and udaaan . These three are actually very good events when you are a participant. But when if you are the one who is responsible for the quiz software for these events, that too with all …

Pragyan ’07

The big event is gonna start soon !!! “So where will you be from February 1 – 4 ?” . Thats what the website says :). I am doing bytecode and quiz management this time πŸ™‚ . Bad that i could not do anything for dalal this time πŸ™ .

Allergic to Allergy test :(

Met a doctor for my sinus problem few days back. He said that a small surgery has to be done, but even before that he wanted to me to take an allergy test so that he can find what all things i am allergic too. All he said was that they will do something to your hand . With my …

MY FC5 Crashed

Well , seems this is the first time linux hates me. I have seen lots of problems with linux but most of them are generally a software not installing coz of failed dependencies or some file system error which a fsck will solve without any major issue . But this time it really screwed me . The reason why it …

ACM Regionals @ Coimbatore

The ACM ICPC 2006 Regional Contest was held on December 16th & 17th , 2006 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, coimbatore, and our team ( me , evo and vasu ) was one of the top 50 teams selected for the onsite contest . The travel to coimbatore was really weird this time. This is the second time i am going …


As usual, was jobless at home with a new broadband connection , so chumma timepassing when i found this site So some of them which i might have now or can develop any time is . Agliophobia- Fear of pain. Agrizoophobia- Fear of wild animals. Altophobia- Fear of heights. Decidophobia- Fear of making decisions. //Err , cant decide πŸ™‚ Didaskaleinophobia- …

Foss.in 2006 at Blore

Date :: 23 Dec 06 Time :: 4.00 PMPlace :: Cisco Blore Shagan and evo has already mentioned to me about the great speed at which you can access net at cisco , but i have never taken them that much seriously . But when i sat in shagan’s comp to surf net , MY GOODNESS , was really amazed …


FOSS.IN is one of the world’s largest and most focussed FOSS events, held annually India. Over the years, it has attracted thousands of participants, and the speaker roster reads like a “Who is Who” of FOSS contributors from across the world. FOSS.IN/2006 will be held on November 24-26, 2006, at National Science Symposium Centre of the Indian Institute of Science …

Fscked up coz of coding :P

Sometime back, taggy showed me Google code search where one can search inside the source code. And not surprisingly , the first thing he searched in source code was for “fsck” , “bitch”, and “porn” . Actually both of us were not surprised with the results. Taggy infact went to the extent of creating a graph to compare the occurence …

Ubuntu vs FC

I think the fight is never going to end . The only topic the whole glugt seems to discuss for the past one month ( or even more than that ) is UBUNTU or FEDORA. Fedora Supporters : Gcdart, Sahil , Verma Ubuntu Supporters Evo, Donatello and me , I have no clue why i support ubuntu. I have never …

rm -rf * :-O

Went home for diwali hols and the moment i entered my room , the first thing i did is to switch on the comp. I have already taken a resolution that no tech , no php , no linux for the next 5 days [ resolutions are meant be broken , you know πŸ™‚ ] . So instead of booting …

Waiting for FC6 . : -(

The whole sun lab is waiting for FC6 . People even wann to add a cron so that the download starts at tomorrow 6 pm automatically . I saw the pre release version in balli’s comp and MY GOD !!! . FC surely rocks . Some of the nice features which my friends told me are . 1. In built …

Adobe Photoshop CS2 on Ubuntu !!!

This HOW-TO covers up the whole process of installing Adobe Photoshop CS2 on a Ubuntu box in a few simple steps. This method has been tested only on Ubuntu, but it should work on any other linux flavor. -What you need? * A fresh install of Ubuntu Dapper + all the updates * A Windows box with a fully installed …

Spider SMS up and running

Hope the banner speaks the whole stuff. The spider sms is up and running . When i started the work , thought the work will be easy and will be done in a two or three days but πŸ™ so many seg faults ( though i have seen more seg faults in my ldtp work ) and handling mysql queries …