
I see, learn and rediscover… everyday!

Truly Madly Deeply Care

One of the values we’ve recently added at HackerRank is something close to my heart. Like our other values, this one had taken on different forms in the past, but the current version resonates with me far more: we call it “Truly, Madly, Deeply Care.” In the past, we used the phrase “Customer Delight” Amazon has their version: “customer obsession.” …

Advanced Git Commands

Git is a powerful tool and I’ve been using it for years. But there are few commands that make me feel like a power user. I use the basic commands like git add, git commit and git push everyday, there are some advanced commands that can significantly workflow and troubleshooting process.

Picture Books

There was a lot of chatter among my team members about how great two picture books they read. Here are all the picture books I have read and my favorite parts. Big Panda and Tiny Dragon This story is about two friends, a big panda and a tiny dragon, who travel together during the changing seasons. This is one of …

Writing, Bets & Experiment.

Back to writing blogs again… and hoping to continue the tradition going forward. Back in 2023, I had a bet with many of my friends. The deal of the bet varied with different people, but the core was this. Both the parties involved will write a blog once every month (published on the first full weekend of the month). If …

2024 Resolutions

I promised myself that I wouldn’t do a year-end wrap blog post in December. I lived up to the promise. I promised myself that I wouldn’t write about resolutions, plans, or goals for 2024 and I’m going to fail on that promise. I’ve always believed Jan 1 is yet another regular day in the calendar and it shouldn’t be considered …


Building a team or a company gives one a chance to make a lot of decisions at various stages. If you are lucky, some of them will be two-way doors, but most of them are one-way doors. Here are a few I can think of that I had to decide or think about at some point in the past (10+ …


We had our leadership offsite in the US this week and one of the lines mentioned in the culture session is still on top of my mind. Companies only have strong or weak cultures. You can’t classify them as good vs bad culture. For example, you can have a culture where you treat everyone as a family. Salesforce is a …

Minimal Motivation

I’ve been wondering about this for a while and still can’t understand my/human behavior. I’m a grown-up adult, who knows about responsibility. I know I’m responsible for my own career, growth, etc. I give enough advice to others about extreme ownership and how they should own their career growth. I also understand how doing just the bare minimum might not …

Productive Zoom Meetings

Even after fully going remote more than 3+ years ago, I still have a lot to learn about being productive in meetings. Zoom fatigue is real and sometimes jumping meeting after meetings makes it harder to focus on the right thing. Before the meeting Installing Meetingbar. Probably the single most productive step I’ve done to make it easier for me …

Learning new things

This started as a tradition with one of my colleagues (Radhika Balaji) where we started sharing one new thing to learn every day. This got triggered when Radhika shared how she used to learn new things every day when she was in school and stopped this during board exams. Post the board exams, she never started the habit (for at …

Modes of Transport

Life update: We bought a new place last year and moved to this place a month ago. Second-order effects on the life update. Life was easier for the last few years. Walking from home to the office used to take exactly 12 mins. Traffic or no other external factors couldn’t change anything this number. In fact, I could step out …

Pour Your Heart into It & Onward

These two books got into my reading list mostly because of Vivek. The number of times he mentioned instances from this book, I had to know what the Starbucks story is all about. And I’m glad I did read these two. I expected a simple and smooth story about Starbucks. Didn’t expect so many ups and downs within the company. …


Probably the right title for this blog post should be “Regionalist”, but somehow the word ‘state-ist’ was the word I created and have been using for a long time. When I was assigned my room in the college hostel (back in 2004), each room was supposed to have 5 students. The 5 students in my room were assigned like this. …


Recently, we (me and Vasudha) went for a short trek (around 75 km from Bangalore). We found an agriculture shop selling fertilizers and pesticides on the way back. We have a small garden at our place, and Vasudha has written a great post about it here at https://ideaweb.me/blog/from-cacti-killer-to-gardener/. We’ve been using natural organic pesticides so far, and this is the …

Born A Crime

An amazing book. The story is exciting, a lot of good life lessons to learn and of course, listening to the book in Trevor’s voice. If there is one book which should be read via audible instead of physical book, this must be it. Top things I recollect from this book.

Speed, The Plane & THE Gift

Speed Starting from the early age, speed has been a great fascination. Given dad was a math teacher, I wanted to become a mathematician when I was at school (though I’m not sure even now what mathematicians do). I still remember the quote that fascinated me the most “speed and accuracy is the motto of the mathematician”. Next experience with …

2023 New Year

New year comes with a lot of excitement, energy and resolutions. Logically it doesn’t make a lot of sense to celebrate new year. After all, the new year is an arbitrary line that was drawn by a few Romans way way back. And it is not like we grow smarter or efficient on the day of new year. Dec 31st or …

Domain Tracker

This is script/project started when three of my friends ended up losing their domain simply because they forgot to renew the domain. It is a helpless situation to recover a lost domain and the ‘techie’ inside me realized I had to do something. Especially when I’m making more and more folks from my team to write on their own domain. …

Feeling Rich

Working as the CTO, there are lot of assumptions people make about me. One is that the CTO is supposed to be super rich. The running joke is that whenever we go out for a restaurant for team lunch/dinner and if there is a delay, someone or other would recommend me to buy that restaurant, so that the team doesn’t …

A Promised Land

The book I just completed. This one was hard to complete, but an interesting read nevertheless. The book is more than 29 hours (took me more than a month to complete). Also a lot of characters in the book are complete strangers. Wish I knew a little more about American politics. Three things I take away from this book Hard …


I love reading (actually listening) books. This wasn’t the case a few year back. It all changed with one single book. Radical Candor. Somehow before this book, I never imagined books to have the exact solutions for the business problems I might have. Since the author wrote the book at a different time, in a different context without knowing anything …


When we started our company (>10 years ago), we decided to visit Bangalore to meet a few startup mentors for advice. I’ve already worked from Bangalore for a year, but visiting the startup folks was a new exciting experience. One of them we got a chance to meet in person was Swaroop CH. He wrote a book called Byte of …

Fire and forget missile

From wikipedia, this is the actual definition of fire and forget – “Fire-and-forget is a type of missile guidance which does not require further external intervention after launch such as illumination of the target or wire guidance, and can hit its target without the launcher being in line-of-sight of the target.” Working with different kinds of people, there are some …

Three Trust Principles

I was listening to this podcast from Farnam Street (https://fs.blog/knowledge-podcast/best-of-2021/), mostly because I thought it is a shortcut to read all the good podcasts from 2021. Little did I know I’ll learn so much about trusting people and the right framework on when to trust people and when not to. These are three excerpts from the entire podcast which I …