
I see, learn and rediscoverโ€ฆ everyday!

My Tinderbox is working…

Yes, you heard it right. My tinderbox is working. Even now i don’t know why i was trying to setup a tinderbox after both Emily and Nags asked me to concentrate on Firefox automation. I felt it was almost done and just few more steps, i will be able to set it up. And that’s what finally happened ๐Ÿ™‚ So …

SOC ….

Updates about SOC. 30 test scripts are working fine without any issue :). My target is to write 50 test cases and i will try to reach that this weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ :). The scripts can be downloaded from here. Things to be modified when you run your script in your environment are. 1. In the file firefox.xml, change the value …

Life is beautiful :)

Sorry for not updating the blog for a long time :(. Even now i am not going to write much. Just a list of arbit words which comes to my mind :-). Helloooooooo Delta Inductions Spider Inductions Idiot Brave Olarify Promise Psycho ***aloooooooooooooooo Fli……. mummyyyyyy hmmmmmmmm If you have no clue what these mean, then just think that i was …

file-roller …

When i saw the mail from nags saying ” Can somebody evaluate it and send me back the results. It was done by Yazhini, long time back, but I could not check them.” even i didn’t think i will write the test cases for file-roller that night. I just wanted to see the code and maybe make a comment. After …

Tinderbox ….

You never know when things will work and but if you believe that they will work ,they will. Ha, finally my own quote ๐Ÿ˜› . The Solaris download which i asked my friend to do failed ๐Ÿ™ . Crap . I waited for that for more than 2 days and finally it failed. Now i can’t to afford to wait …

Projects …

“The word “project” originally meant “something that comes before anything else is done”. When the word was initially adopted, it referred to a plan of something, not to the act of actually carrying this plan out. Something performed in accordance with a project was called an object. This use of “project” changed in the 1950s when several techniques for project …

Love story of a topper …

Well, i am kind of not sure whether i should write this or not. I have never written a blog describing about someone else ,his second girl friend and about their deep love and how she became my girl friend after that. But recently, the tech level of my blog has increased so much that my normal friends don’t even …

I’m interested

Do you know that when you use caps or large font while chatting or in mail, it implies that you are shouting. I generally get irritated when people shout, but this one is an exception. I was really glad that he shouted. In fact, i was waiting for him to shout. Now that he is with us, nothing can stop …

Conquered solaris ….

Got up at 4 PM :-). Yes 4 PM. Yesterday after finding out that my Ethernet card had some arbit problem, planned to buy a new one. But felt like checking my Ethernet card for the last time. Went to my friend’s place and checked my Ethernet and it worked there :-(. I was both happy and sad. Happy because …

networking not working :P…

I have got a new phobia. Solaris phobia :P. lol. Well how easy solaris can ruin one whole night. Though i shouldn’t blame Solaris completely but at least it deserves something for troubling me with DNS thing sometime back . Anyway here comes the story. After discussing with Casanova about tinderbox i realized that setting up tinderbox is an important …

Firefox 3 UI rocks…

Really , the user interface of Firefox 3 rocks. Text boxes and other form fields have a nice smooth corners and select menu item is similar to the one you find in gnome ๐Ÿ™‚ . The old form elements are shown in this image. Click image for a clear view New here comes the new interface of the same webpage …

Finally 10….

Ok, i am certainly not talking anything about my GPA. After fighting (fighting is an understatement i suppose) with Firefox and LDTP for 3 hours (well this is actually few days), finally managed to get 10 test cases work properly. At least these 10 test cases will work properly for integration with Tinderbox. Have to send these test cases to …

Meet GNU/Linux 07

After 2 successful editions of Meet GNU/Linux, which is conducted by GLUG-T every year for beginners, the third edition of MGL is starting on 27th July, at NITT. A few updates about MGL’07 : 1. Guys are planning to release a beginner handbook, which would be given out to them. The content is being edited in a wiki : http://glugt-mgl.pbwiki.com/ …

Comments :)

How many comments have you seen for a single blog ? Well, when i asked taggy (the internet guru of NITT) he replied around 10-20. Suren has seen around 50 for a he-she blog. But this one is amazing. A single blog (in fact a single line blog) getting around 268 comments (and still counting). Reminds me that “What you …

Topping google search

I attended the podworks.in last weekend. For those who don’t know what podworks is , PodWorks.in is a 2-day workshop styled unconference dedicated to the sharing of knowledge around audio and video podcasting. It’s a successor to the extremely successful BlogCamp that was held last year. Though i have lots and lots to say about the event, one strange and …

Internet from solaris …

DNS makes our life real easy. Without that, i don’t think people will say check out http://google.com but check out I realized how important DNS is to us and without DNS how one can go mad. I installed Solaris (Neveda ) two weeks back and it was good. ๐Ÿ™‚ . Though i was a bit scared in the initial …

Running a test case …

Having written the test scripts for Firefox, this time going to tell how to test Firefox with these scripts. The test scripts can be found here There is a wiki page in LDTP website which gives quick tips about how to run LDTP test cases. First quick steps to get LDTP installed . If you have LDTP already installed, then …

SOC report …

My SoC is going fine and great. Hoping to finish this well ahead of time:) This is a blog + report ๐Ÿ™‚ So i have started with Automation of Firefox. For the current status of all the test cases i have mentioned here, check this link The categories under which i have written test cases till now are 1. Firefox …

I got my copy :-)

This is my first post related to my SoC. So let me just introduce things. I am doing Google Summer Of Code under Mozilla Foundation . My mentors are Nagappan from Novell, Bangalore and Emily Chen from Sun, China. When i started working for my SoC, i got a mail from Google SoC team saying “Hello everyone, In keeping with …

Oath for Software Engineers

Never write a line of code that someone else can understand. Make the simplest line of code appear complex. Use long counter intuitive names. Don’t ever code “a=b”, rather do something like: AlphaNodeSemaphore=*(int)(&(unsigned long)(BetaFrameNodeFarm)); Type fast, think slow. Never use direct references to anything ever. Bury everything in macros. Bury the macros in include files. Reference those include files indirectly …

Hols are bad for health

Well, i never thought i will ever say this but really “Hols @home sucks”. This is the first time i am actually staying at home after joining college (was lucky enough to keep myself busy with something or other during hols ๐Ÿ™‚ ) and i never realized it will be so boring :(. Not that i don’t like my home …

Coding Style …

I have never thought much about coding style before i did my NOSIP in Novell. But once i started coding for ldtprecord, according to the coding style suggested to me by nags, i was surprised to see how nice and neat the final code looks. Some tips/tricks for nice coding skills are, 1. Do spend some time to think about …

Feel My Pain…

One day in heaven, the Lord decided He would visit the earth and take a stroll. Walking down the road, He encountered a man who was crying. The Lord asked the man, “Why are you crying, my son?” The man said that he was blind and had never seen a sunset. The Lord touched the man who could then see …


India’s Biggest Event on Audio & Video Podcasting Date: June 9 & 10 (Saturday & Sunday) Venue: Tidel Park Auditorium, Chennai. Cost: Rs.200 Alagappan designed banners saying I’m Attending Podworks.in and I’m speaking at Podworks.in. You can grab those here. PodWorks is an ideal place to learn how to start your own podcast or to discover the latest tips and …