
I see, learn and rediscover… everyday!

Waiting for FC6 . : -(

The whole sun lab is waiting for FC6 . People even wann to add a cron so that the download starts at tomorrow 6 pm automatically . I saw the pre release version in balli’s comp and MY GOD !!! . FC surely rocks . Some of the nice features which my friends told me are . 1. In built …

Adobe Photoshop CS2 on Ubuntu !!!

This HOW-TO covers up the whole process of installing Adobe Photoshop CS2 on a Ubuntu box in a few simple steps. This method has been tested only on Ubuntu, but it should work on any other linux flavor. -What you need? * A fresh install of Ubuntu Dapper + all the updates * A Windows box with a fully installed …

Spider SMS up and running

Hope the banner speaks the whole stuff. The spider sms is up and running . When i started the work , thought the work will be easy and will be done in a two or three days but 🙁 so many seg faults ( though i have seen more seg faults in my ldtp work ) and handling mysql queries …

Check this out ;)

#define MAGIC “2acghilmoprs.@782C65173D5A1409B” #define _(p,o,q) (t o#p[0])?(q) #define __(p,o,q) _(p,o,t-q) int main(){int t, i; for(i=17;i>0;i–)printf(“%c”, MAGIC[(((t=(MAGIC+14)[i-1])==’_’)?62:_(.,==,63):_(@,==,64):__(a,>=,’a’+36):__(A,>=,’A’+10):(t-‘0’))]);}

Meet GNU/Linux Week

Was pretty busy last week . Infact i was so busy that for the whole week that during this whole week i 1. Never called home . 2. Never entered ldtp channel . 3. Never did the work which made recording module wait for one week. 4. Never had a good sleep ( used to go to bed at around …

My Final Demo

Well , this is something which i should have blogged the moment after we finished the demo to parag but that day i have been quite busy packing things , travelling from blore to chennai and then to trichy The demo went fine , and all the details can be read from taggy’s blog. I am not going to write …


Ask me one question Will RECORD work perfectly ??? I will never say YES 🙂 The milestones in development of record are =>Totally screwed up first demo . =>Blasting review by varadhan after the first demo 🙁 where we had no answer for any of his questions 🙁 =>Partial output in the next demo . And finally there is one …


Type about:mozilla in your url bar. Your will see this And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced.But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird. The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast fire and thunder upon them. For the beast had been reborn with its strength renewed, and the followers …