
I see, learn and rediscover… everyday!


Why should you have a nice design in your web page? Why should you have a good CSS? I got this answer in the spider class. A nice way of telling concepts to the students. “You know Rajinikanth right? Have you seen him without his makeup? He is old, bald, dark and certainly not an “hero” you would like to …


This is one of the question you find being asked when browse for around 10-15 minutes. “Your message has not been sent. Discard your message?” from Gmail. “Are you sure you want to navigate from this page? Your message has not been sent. Press OK to continue, Cancel to stay on the current Page” from Gmail “Are you sure you …

Google Maps – Icons

This post is for playing with icons in Google Maps. In the previous post, the last example explained how to add markers when we click on the map. We will try to add custom markers and change the properties of different markers before and after creating them. In the first example, we’ll create a custom marker instead of the default …

Google Maps

I have been using Google Maps for a long time (a nice way to kill time) and now I am using the Google Map API to create my own site (not a nice way to kill time). Was able to start with my work using the sample examples given in the Google Maps site and by trial and error method. …

Winter Project

10 things i have got to say about my project, stay in IIIT, Hyderabad and other things happened during this vacation. πŸ™‚ 0. Madhapur is in Hyderabad. Hyderabad is in Madhuapur 1. GTK won’t work. WxWidgets uses GTK. So WxWidgets also won’t work 2. I will never ever wash my plates. I’ll rather go hungry. 3. Canteen is a place …


Finally installed Windows in my laptop. πŸ™‚ No more kela configuring wifi and other things. If things work automatically in windows, why bang my head so much to make them work in Linux. Can use Office 2007. Don’t know why, but every time i use Office 2007, the urge to install windows increases. I don’t mind calling it the best …

Bash spellchecker

Spell checking in bash is a cool feature which can be added by adding just one line in your bashrc file. shopt -s cdspell That’s all πŸ™‚ Add that to your ~/.bashrc file. If you want to enable this for all the users, then append this to your /etc/bash.bashrc (in Ubuntu) or /etc/bashrc (in Fedora). Of course, you need the …


Not going to chaaaat anything about ‘Life is a mystery. Blah blah blah.’ Have realised it’s more than a mystey. The more you try to understand it, the more weirder it gets. πŸ™‚ Have been seeing Prison Break for the past two days. Managed to finish Season 1 and it’s amazing. The way Mike plans things and the way things …


Happy new year :). New year is the time for resolutions. I’ve had lots of funny resolutions till now. Some are weird enough that i can’t even type them here. Anyway this time, i wanted my friends to suggest me a resolution.So had my Gmail status saying “Someone suggest a nice resolution for me.plzz”. And look at the response i …

Time Machine ….

This post is total crap . So please don’t read this . πŸ˜› πŸ˜› Hmmmm , then why am i writing this ? Time pass . πŸ˜› I have always wanted a time machine . How nice it will be if you can chumma go forward write any test or exam and then go back prepare well, and then do …

Photolog 2…

No clue why I’m posting this picture. Was studying for my semester exams and browsing the files in my computer.   Sweet Memories. πŸ™‚

Exams :'( :'( :'(

Semester exams starting tomorrow. Do i need to say more? :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( No, that’s not enough. I …

SSH Client…

I guess every GNU/Linux user must have sshed from one comp to another sometime or the other. We have different servers for various purposes in our college and ssh is a common thing. Most of the time, we end up typing some thing like ssh -XCYP hari@spider.nitt.edu Though not many knows what these options stands for, life will become very …

LDTP Editor

Want to use LDTP to test your application? Or do you want to automate the actions you do often? Or are you a GNU/Linux user who want to show “magic” to your friends by recording your actions and playing them back? You can use LDTP for this. But one small issue with LDTP is that you should know the LDTP …

Gedit Plugin

In this article, we’ll see how to write plugins for Gedit. Since plugin development is easy in Python, I’m planning to explain this using Python. When the first caveman programmer chiseled the first program on the walls of the first cave computer, it was program to paint the string “Hello, world” in Antelope pictures. Roman programming textbooks began with the …

External Tools

  Often you would like to have a feature in gedit like, Compile when F7 is pressed, Compile and Run when F8 is pressed and more and more. One simple (grrr…) solution for this is to write our own plugins. But to write a plugin for gedit in python, you need to know pygtk and of course python. A simple …


Every GNU/Linux user must be knowing about Gedit. This tiny text editor which comes with gnome is much more powerful than we all think. A few customizations and adding a few plugins will convert this simple text editor into a complete IDE for any programming language. In this article, i have mentioned about the configurations i have made in my …

Blue… ;-) ;-)

Wikipedia says “The term blue may refer to any of a number of similar colors. The sensation of blue is made by light having a spectrum dominated by energy in the wavelength range of about 440Γ’β‚¬β€œ490 nm. Blue is considered to be one of the three primary additive colors in the RGB system; blue light has the shortest wavelength range …


Slice notation is one of the powerful feature in python using which can be used for operations like substr, str_reverse etc etc. The slice notation is really powerful for strings. I’m not very sure whether it can be used for other data types. For a string, it can be used as variable_name[start:end:step] If the start and end are equal, then …

Potato Guy …

I wasn’t sure why people celebrate shutdown day and all. The whole idea looked stupid. πŸ˜› But it was not so. Our college network was shutdown yesterday. No Gmail. No Orkut. No Spider. No Delta. Nothing πŸ˜› All i had was 2 or 3 computers with Linux and Windows :). Many many thanks to all the Gnome and KDE games, …

Firefox 3 is amazing :)

Working on any product which is not yet released and developed by hackers all over the world πŸ˜‰ gives you sweet surprises every now and then ;). I have already mentioned how the form elements are made better in FF3.0 in http://sp2hari.blogspot.com/2007/06/firefox-3-ui-rocks.html The next surprise is Bookmarks ,FTP browsing and Downloads window πŸ™‚ :). Check out the screenshot for yourself …

Recording your screen in solaris :)

Recording your screen in Solaris works right out of the box. All you need to install is vncserver and vnc2swf. A simple HOW TO about recording your screen in Solaris. πŸ™‚ First you need to install Vncserver. Solaris by default doesn’t come with a VNC. The easiest way to install VNC is through pkg-get root@home# pkg-get -i vncserver Before running …