
I see, learn and rediscover… everyday!

Obfuscate C Code – Part III

Hi all, This is my third post on the series of articles I’m writing on C code obfuscation. You can check all the posts I’ve written about obfuscation here. The task for this post is quite simple. Given two numbers a and b (b>a>3) as input, print all prime numbers in between a and b (including a and b). Let …

15/12/2008 – Thanks…

Writing this post just to remember this night. Obviously a personal post, so no one will understand anything. Please stop reading after this. πŸ™‚ For the first time in my life, I want to remember this night forever. I think I’ll do. I feel like I can sleep after this. It is 4AM. And I have that smile in my …


Top ten things that pops out of my mind when I think about Friends. 1. duck and the chick 2. ugly naked guy 3. double pizza 4. paleontologist 5. foozball 6. Days of our Lives 7. Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E 8. How you doin. 9. Turkey in thanksgiving dinner 10. ‘Shall we go get some coffee?’ ‘Sure. Where?’

Obfuscate C Code – Part II

Hi all, this is my second post on C code obfuscation. You can check out all my posts on obfuscation here. In this post, we’ll see two techniques which one can use in C code obfuscation. The more we apply these to our code, the more obfuscated our code will result in. And of course, this is not the complete …

Obfuscate C Code – Part I

Hello, this is the first post I’m writing on C code obfuscation. Let me warn you before I start. I am a beginner in code obfuscation and still learning from different code snippets I get from my friends. Since this is the first post in this series, we will start with hello world. But instead of printing the same old …

Swirl images with ImageMagick

This simple snippet can be used for creating animated gif images with swirl effects. I was bored at home and saw that ImageMagick was installed in my machine. πŸ™‚ So started playing with that. πŸ™‚ The shell script will create the second image from the first image shown below. —–> #!/bin/bash FILENAME=”hari.png” FRAMES=30 ROTATEANGLE=30 OPTION=”swirl” declare -i I COMMANDOPTION=””; I=0; …

Fetching the internet…

This is a simple tutorial to fetch web pages using php code. This starts with a example to fetch pages, and then sending get and post request :). First, a few stuff from the php manual. This is just a summary. You can read the whole stuff at http://in.php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php “””PHP supports libcurl, a library created by Daniel Stenberg, that allows …

Three Matches…

There are very few things which happens around us which I guess we’ll never forget. And fortunately or unfortunately, I do remember a lot of things. Lots and lots that sometimes even I’m surprised. I can remember many many things which happened, say even from my 6th standard (things we study for exams never come under this category I suppose …

Keep the sparks shining…

Below is a Inaugural Speech for the new batch at the Symbiosis BBA program, Pune delivered by Chetan Bhagath. “”” Good Morning everyone and thank you for giving me this chance to speak to you. This day is about you. You, who have come to this college, leaving the comfort of your homes (or in some cases discomfort), to become …


I was checking out our NITT site after along time. I was actually surprised to find a link saying “Student Conduct and Disciplinary code” in the home page. That too in the Spotlights section. I was very sure this must be some kind of joke. πŸ™‚ And yes, I was so true. πŸ™‚ Let me list out some of the …


The title says it all. In fact, it is so apt for this post. I post a letter to my friend. It is lost. So simple. The letter is gone now. Simply gone. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ There are few times when you do everything perfect and at the end fate just smiles at you and makes you forget the meaning …

As strategic as pig…

Looks like my blogs are only about animals now πŸ˜› I’m “working” as a software engineer. I joined two months back, which implies I don’t work at all and just enjoy killing time at office. I meet many new people everyday (in and outside office) and the way they talk is quite funny. One day I happen to hear a …


This story is created by a few vetti engineering students (who are supposed to a project) and a vetti software engineer(who is supposed to work). πŸ™‚ The main story is contributed by only one, but many own the copyright for this story now. OK, lets stop the intro here and begin the story. Long ago, long long ago, there was …


Hobbits – cheerful, short – BILBO, FRODO, SAM, PIPPIN, MERRY, SMEAGOL (GOLLUM) Men – serious – ARAGORN, FARAMIR, BOROMIR, EOMER, Elves – wise, immortal, silent, magic (three rings) – LEGOLAS Dwarfs – short, sturdy, good with metals, stones – GIMLI Wizards – wise, serious, magic – SAURON, SARUMAN, GANDALF, ELROND Orcs – ugly, fierce, wicked Ents – Tree shephards SAURON’S …

Mistakes… :)

When asked to read for any exam, I end up doing everything other than reading. It can be cleaning my room, washing clothes, bathing, chatting, coding, reading novels and so on. This time, when I had to give my SCJP test, I ended up watching How I Met Your Mom. πŸ˜‰ Btw liked the scene I’ve pasted below. Maybe, doing …

Forgot the match again?

Do you play Topcoder? If yes, then there might be something for you in this post. If you don’t know what topcoder is, check http://topcoder.com/tc and then come back here. If you play topcoder, then keeping track of when the next match is a big headache. There are many many people who login to the arena one day before the …

Photolog 4…

Have been searching this picture for a long long time. Wasted so much time to search in all servers in my college. Finally found this in my picasa account. Anyway, better late than never. πŸ™‚ Manas, the Cook πŸ˜€

Bye bye NITT

My last post from LRSL (Last Row of Sun Lab, Octagon) I guess. Exactly one year back Manas told me, “You won’t miss the place, but you’ll miss the people.” Hmmm now I realize what exactly it means. Hmmm, list of people whom I’ll miss next year Ankit Anshu Arun Balli Donatello Doniv Evo Gcdart Hajela Ht Iyer KKS Lavanya …

Setting up a SMS server using Gnokii

I’ve used gnokii to set up a SMS server in our college as a part of Spider Project. Though I didn’t actually believe that a computer and a mobile phone can be connected when Manas suggested the idea, I coded much for this SMS server later. πŸ˜› So here is the short manual about how to configure gnokii in a …

Google Image Search

I don’t remember who exactly gave me this script. Must be either Verma or Manas, but this one is so cool. The code looks pretty easy and clear, though I didn’t try to understand it completely. So this is what you have to do. Open Google image search and search for some image. If you are lazy to do that, …


Choice, my dear friend… You make them and then they take over! Got this as a SMS message from one of my friends in our conversation. Don’t know whether I like it or not, but so true. 😐