I see, learn and rediscover… everyday!
Year: <span>2010</span>

So, can your careers page attract rockstar hackers?

Hiring good candidates is a problem for every single company out there.. no matter small or big. We at interviewstreet attack the tip of the iceberg by filtering good programmers from the rest. People say, it’s a huge timesaver ;-). But enough about interviewstreet, the first problem companies should tackle is to make sure rockstar hackers apply for the job. …

HTML5 Experiment 1 – Burst the Balloon

HTML5 seems to be the buzz word now. People around me are excited about HTML5 or already working on something with HTML5. Curious to know what the hell is this HTML5, I started reading something from https://developer.mozilla.org/en/HTML/HTML5. Well, truth be told, I finished the overview in say 15 minutes and didn’t know what exactly to do after that. I was …


More than an year since I’ve quit IBM and into startup world. Too many things to write.. Things moving at such a rapid rate that if I write something today, tomorrow it might not be valid or correct. Makes me stop and think at times whether what I’m doing makes sense, is it the right path or am I yet …

The Frog in the Well

Once there was an old frog who lived inside a deep well. Frog was so happy with his home that he always told his friends who also lived in his well how wonderful the well was. One day, Frog was sitting on a ledge near the wall of his well appreciating the sky when he saw an unexpected visitor at …

Delete a remote branch in git

We use Git here at interviewstreet. Using Git, branching, testing and reverting is so easy. Almost all commands are simple and easy to remember in Git, except for deleting a remote branch. The command to delete a remote branch “feature1” is git push origin :feature1 Just wanted to note this down.

Advanced Bash Scripting – Part 2

The problem statement is as follows : The Playfair Cipher encrypts text by substitution of digrams (2-letter groupings). It is traditional to use a 5 x 5 letter scrambled-alphabet key square for the encryption and decryption. Each letter of the alphabet appears once, except “I” also represents “J”. The arbitrarily chosen key word, “CODES” comes first, then all the rest …

Query String in URL using Codeigniter

CodeIgniter by default won’t allow you to use query strings in the URL. This is how you enable query string in url in codeigniter. 1. Set $config[‘uri_protocol’] = “PATH_INFO” in config.php 2. Set $config[‘enable_query_strings’] = TRUE in config.php 3. Make you sure you have QSA in your .htaccess. For example, RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|includes) RewriteRule …

My first 30 day challenge.

I’m a big fan of Matt Cutts (who isn’t) and especially like his 30 day challenges. So, I decided probably I can give it a shot for a couple of months. So, some of the stuff I had in my list are. 1. Learn Hadoop. 2. Read a book every 2 days. 3. Learn a new programming language 4. Go …

Security settings for a LAMP Server : Iptables

Security is the major concern for anyone hosting a website on the internet. These are the preliminary security settings to be performed to protect your server. iptables Our server stack is LAMP. Hence iptables as the firewall is the most natural choice. The requirements are like 1. Block everything except Ping, SSH, Apache, and SSL. 2. Enabled SSH only from …

Apache Fix : NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts

I get this error every time I install apache web-server in an ubuntu machine. We use LAMP stack at Interviewstreet and this error was nagging me all the this while. The error message shows up something like this. root@interviewstreet:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart * Restarting web server apache2 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using interviewstreet.com for …

This is sweet :)

The other day, I was poking a few sites on the web lazily, looking how they’ve designed the CSS, HTML etc blah blah blah.. I take a quick look at the tumblr source code and find this in the header 🙂 #Like

3 interesting Codeigniter tips

Finally we’ve started doing all our development using a framework, Codeigniter. It has a small learning curve, simple to use and very flexible with how much you want to adhere to MVC pattern. You have the control to code every damn thing in the controller or have proper models and views to help the controller. Three nice tips/tricks I found …

Photolog 7…

Disclaimer : I didn’t cook this. This samba rice tastes like heaven!!! According to the person who made this, I’ve have been friend with a great person, coz she can cook this. This is called awesomeness 😉

Social Life Limits

Social Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Mail services like GMail, Yahoo Mail and Hotmail play a big role in our Internet Life. What is the limits these sites impose on us? By how much can we push our internet life using these sites? Facebook 1. The maximum limit on the number of friends you can have on Facebook is …

Advanced Bash Scripting – Part 1

Hello everyone, I’m planning to solve the problems in the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, say like one problem per week. Why am I doing this? 1. The problems there are very interesting. 2. Working in windows all the time, I feel I’m losing my shell scripting abilities. This will keep me updated. The problem we are going to solve this week …

My Bangalore Trip

Disclaimer: This is a personal post. It is all about me and what I did in the last 3 days. If you don’t know me at all, I strongly advise you to stop reading here and I apologize for taking your time. If you are geek like me and prefer to read a technical post, rather than this boring post, …

I am still alive

That’s true. My last post was exactly 3 months ago and I’ve posted only 2 posts in the last 6 months, but I’m alive. Lots and lots of new stuff has happened during these 6 months. Things which took up all my time and didn’t even let me think about blogging. Probably this is what happens, when you do something …