I see, learn and rediscover… everyday!
Month: <span>November 2006</span>


FOSS.IN is one of the world’s largest and most focussed FOSS events, held annually India. Over the years, it has attracted thousands of participants, and the speaker roster reads like a “Who is Who” of FOSS contributors from across the world. FOSS.IN/2006 will be held on November 24-26, 2006, at National Science Symposium Centre of the Indian Institute of Science …

Fscked up coz of coding :P

Sometime back, taggy showed me Google code search where one can search inside the source code. And not surprisingly , the first thing he searched in source code was for “fsck” , “bitch”, and “porn” . Actually both of us were not surprised with the results. Taggy infact went to the extent of creating a graph to compare the occurence …

Ubuntu vs FC

I think the fight is never going to end . The only topic the whole glugt seems to discuss for the past one month ( or even more than that ) is UBUNTU or FEDORA. Fedora Supporters : Gcdart, Sahil , Verma Ubuntu Supporters Evo, Donatello and me , I have no clue why i support ubuntu. I have never …