I see, learn and rediscover… everyday!
Month: <span>May 2010</span>

Security settings for a LAMP Server : Iptables

Security is the major concern for anyone hosting a website on the internet. These are the preliminary security settings to be performed to protect your server. iptables Our server stack is LAMP. Hence iptables as the firewall is the most natural choice. The requirements are like 1. Block everything except Ping, SSH, Apache, and SSL. 2. Enabled SSH only from …

Apache Fix : NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts

I get this error every time I install apache web-server in an ubuntu machine. We use LAMP stack at Interviewstreet and this error was nagging me all the this while. The error message shows up something like this. root@interviewstreet:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart * Restarting web server apache2 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using interviewstreet.com for …

This is sweet :)

The other day, I was poking a few sites on the web lazily, looking how they’ve designed the CSS, HTML etc blah blah blah.. I take a quick look at the tumblr source code and find this in the header 🙂 #Like

3 interesting Codeigniter tips

Finally we’ve started doing all our development using a framework, Codeigniter. It has a small learning curve, simple to use and very flexible with how much you want to adhere to MVC pattern. You have the control to code every damn thing in the controller or have proper models and views to help the controller. Three nice tips/tricks I found …