I see, learn and rediscover… everyday!
Month: <span>July 2009</span>

Install multiple firefox extensions

I’m a full time web developer now. Million thanks to Firefox, web development is made much much easier. To make the web development process easier, there are many many extensions. A few of them I use for my development, 1. Firebug 2. Web Developer 3. ColorZilla 4. MeasureIt 5. ViewSourceChart 6. FireCookie 7. YSlow 8. Delicious. 9. Twitterfox 10. CSS …

Save Before Save – Gedit Plugin

A few days back, I got a mail from my friend, saying, Subject: Versioning in Windows Hi guys, Does any one know a software that can version files in windows? As simple as: There’s a certain folder of files I want to be “version” tracked, I specify the list of folders. After this, every change I make is time-archived. So …