The answer for the above question was always “Vivek & Hari”, but not anymore.
To give an idea on from when to when we built things and now who is “actually” building the company.
From June 2009 – December 2011
From Jan 2012 – Today.
There were many other smart programmers we hired, fired/quit. They did help us grow forward, but these two guys were there with us for around 2 years now.
Couple of things I’ve learnt from them.
1. Hire people who are ready to learn and work. It doesn’t matter if they are freshers and not from IIT/NIT.
2. Once point 1 is taken care, you will be shocked that they surprise you with their work regularly. After a point you start getting used to the surprises and just start trusting them.
3. It takes at least 2 years to make a big impact in a startup. If you want build the startup and grow along with the startup, make sure you spend at least 2 years.
4. Weird that we have titles like CEO, CFO, CTO and Founders/Co-Founders, but these real “builders” don’t have a proper title. The title should clearly mention that these guys are more powerful than the founders.