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Truly Madly Deeply Care

Truly Madly Deeply Care

One of the values we’ve recently added at HackerRank is something close to my heart. Like our other values, this one had taken on different forms in the past, but the current version resonates with me far more: we call it “Truly, Madly, Deeply Care.”

In the past, we used the phrase “Customer Delight” Amazon has their version: “customer obsession.” But for us, Truly, Madly, Deeply Care captures what we aim to achieve in everything we do—going above and beyond to deliver something extraordinary.

Once we embraced this mindset, we began to notice examples of it everywhere—features, services, and products that reflect that same level of care. It’s in the tiny details that make a product stand out. For example, have you ever noticed the iOS weather app? The raindrops actually bounce when it rains. It’s a small touch, but it shows the level of detail and thoughtfulness that goes into creating something meaningful and delightful.

Another example is the Swiggy app. When you try to place an order from a hospital, you get a thoughtful message—considerate of the context and environment. This is a small but powerful reflection of care that extends beyond just delivering food.

In our own office, the way kitchen paper napkins are stacked neatly – nobody instructed the support staff to do this, yet they’ve done it with such care. It’s a simple act, but it speaks about the pride people take in their work when they care deeply about what they do.

And that’s the beauty of Truly, Madly, Deeply Caring. When you care deeply about what you create, it becomes a source of pride.

This level of care reminds me of a moment from Steve Jobs, during an event when he was asked about Apple’s pricing strategy. Rather than focus on market share, Jobs spoke about Apple’s philosophy:

Our goal is to make the best personal computers in the world and to make products we are proud to sell and would recommend to our family and friends and we want to do that at the lowest price as we can but i have to tell you there’s some stuff in our industry that we wouldn’t be proud to ship, that we wouldn’t be proud to recommend to our family and friends and we can’t do it we just can’t ship junk so there’s there’s a there are thresholds that we can’t cross because of who we are but we want to make the best personal computers in the industry.

This philosophy resonated with me deeply, as it encapsulates what “Truly, Madly, Deeply Care” means. When you care profoundly about what you create, it’s not just about market share or profits—it’s about pride, craftsmanship, and creating something that you would stand behind without hesitation.

In that spirit, I’m creating a new page called https://sp2hari.com/care, inspired by Patrick Collison’s page on fast products. My goal is to capture examples of products and services that have gone above and beyond – whether it’s a thoughtfully designed button, a small but meaningful interaction, or something grander. Over time, I hope to see this list grow, showcasing products that embody truly madly deeply care .

If you come across any product or experience that you believe reflects this level of care, please drop me a note—I’d love to add it to the list.

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