I see, learn and rediscover… everyday!
Month: <span>November 2008</span>

Obfuscate C Code – Part II

Hi all, this is my second post on C code obfuscation. You can check out all my posts on obfuscation here. In this post, we’ll see two techniques which one can use in C code obfuscation. The more we apply these to our code, the more obfuscated our code will result in. And of course, this is not the complete …

Obfuscate C Code – Part I

Hello, this is the first post I’m writing on C code obfuscation. Let me warn you before I start. I am a beginner in code obfuscation and still learning from different code snippets I get from my friends. Since this is the first post in this series, we will start with hello world. But instead of printing the same old …